Chat SDK Features


Most innovative end to end Chat SDK for conversational economy

Three types of messaging channels are available in our chat SDK

Direct Messaging

Two users can chat privately in a direct chat conversation.

Most innovative end to end Chat SDK for conversational economy

Group Channels

Small groups of users can have interest based chat discussions. Limited to 100 users per group.

Most innovative end to end Chat SDK for conversational economy

Open Channels

Large number of users of your live conference can interact in a single channel.

Most innovative end to end Chat SDK for conversational economy

User Moderation & Profanity Control

Ban the users who are not following rules of your chat application. Filter and remove abusive chat messages of users.

Delete Messages

Profanity Control

Ban Users

Role based Access to Users

User Moderation & Profanity Control
Notification Engine

Notification Engine

Bring your users back in the chat conversation when they are offline. Send notifications about chat activity via Email or Mobile Push Notification

Push Notification

Send push notification to mobile users when they are offline in chat

Email Notification

Notify users via email about new chat messages

Bot Messages

Send automated messages to your users about various products and services, which increases user engagement.

Bot Messages

More Than You Think

In addition to amazing chat sdk features ChatCamp offers some more advantages

Blazing Fast

Blazing Fast

Backed by advanced infrastructure and cutting edge technology we deliver real time chatting expereince

UI Kit

UI Kit

Create beautiful chat screens by customising our UI Kit and deliver incredible user experience

Customer Support

Customer Support

Development support and extensive documentation to make sure you are not alone

Integrate chat in your app now! 🎉

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